Monday 16 August 2010

I am back

Blogging was to be a way for me to vent, exercise, articulate my ideas and the like. It never really happened. Sure I made some interesting comments, both on here and also in my associated blogs, but I never really found I had sufficient to say to keep this regularly happening. I still don't really.

Life is passing me by, I work, I sleep, I work some more. I hang out with friends on occasion, I try to keep enthusiastic about a hobby, but only get excited by it if I am buying stuff associated with it. I am interested in the models I am making, and enjoy the game too, but I still feel that I really aren't utilising my full potential.

I haven't written a story or script in years, I don't ever really find I have any good sustainable ideas, I haven't made a film for years, or been involved in one for a long time.

The old love life is very much non existent, no interest with anyone, no desire. My mind is often just wondering about my Tyranid army, how best to put it together and how best to paint it. That is all I have going on in the ol' cranium, kind of sad for someone of my calibre.

I really need to focus on saving now, Christmas isn't too far away, and I need to have sufficient money ready and available for Canada next summer.

Nothing much else to say really, been over 10 months since I last spoke, and thats all I have to offer now.

I really need to improve things.