Monday 28 September 2009


Its late, though tired, I am not at all sleepy. So here I sit, treking the by-ways of the the internet. Checked the dating site, nothing changed, no one interested in me, and I really can't be arsed flicking through all the women online again to see if there might be someone that I like and feel that might be able to talk to. Checked Facebook, nothing exciting on that either, not really sure why I use facebook anyway, it was good once upon a time but times have changed and now facebook is just something that occupies a tiny portion of my time.

So here I sit bored and alone, my thoughts bouncing about trying to collide to make something interesting happen, but alas all that seems to happen is a little voice saying, "play some WOW, level your alts, sort your characters bank slots out" and I just sigh. What is it with WOW that makes it both at times really enjoyable to play, but at others it seems almost like another job that pays crap. More so if you find your guild almost press ganging you to join them on the latest Raid. Bollocks to Raiding I say, it is as tedious as the game can get, and if your a mana user the tanks and bears, the DK's and Rogues just rush off all the time like its a timed run or something. Its a fucking game people... enjoy it, play it for fun, for the sheer unadulterated pleasure of hanging with some mates and kicking about in some pretty damn nice scenary. After all, you can actually go to the pub, get hammered and still go off and fight without any kind of worries. Brilliant. Better than going down town for the real thing, which is just about the worst kind of evening I can imagine.

I think I just talked myself into playing some WOW now, so gonna sign off for now, but I will be back with some more insight into being a lonely bored guy with a sleeping problem, the problem, I like to sleep at the wrong times of day.

Later peeps,

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