Thursday 29 October 2009


I awaken...the world has barely changed, some superfical things have to be sure, but the world is still the same debauched vile over populated immenent disaster waiting to happen. Mankind, humans to be more exact, they just fill me full of dread and hatred. I want to sometimes just scoop them all up, and jettison them all into a void.

I have been asleep for close to 500 years this time, and the only distinct changes to the world is that of additional bipedal life forms now preying on the weak and infirm of this quagmire. Undead things, hybrids of science, disease and magic exponetionally growing in numbers, a heaving mess of animated rot that just keeps on devouring anything that lives, be it animal, man or plant. In there wake is just pustules of a once overly decadent society. Vampires and werewolves try to fight this tide, its a fight for survival for them too, if the undead destroy all humans and animals, then these too "higher", possibly superior lifeforms will be next. But the army of gluttony and sloth just keeps its steady pace as it creeps over the ruins of a society that has devoured itself, literally.

I am safe. I am superior to all this. Its a fact, not arrogance. I simply survive everything, and will do so long after the solar system has imploded into a firey super nova. This is a time that I an now looking forward too. A time when I have no need of Earths diversions, and a peacefulness and coolness of the vacuumn of space will embrace me.

I feel I could intervene. But why should I. The vampires and werewolves will only turn on each other once the undead are all extinguished. Their prize... whats left of the human livestock, because that is how they will be treated. If I liberate man from all of the above, then what... man ultimately turns on him and herself, and the cycle will begin anew.

I watch and wonder what was the point of this planet, and how did I come to be alone and here too. I have a kindred connection to the planet, to the geological nature of the world, and nothing at all with its inhabitants. I still have an irrational fondness for the flora and fauna of the world and feel that all the magic and glory will be lost by extentions of mans greed and gluttony.

The irony of what I see play out before me makes me smile, well as close as I can to a smile, the emotion of happiness is within though. Man's circle of life is not of balance and nurture, it is of greed and consumerism, and it just uses and uses and uses. I might like the next millenia or so being the only lifeform on this world, watching as nature eventually finds a way to re-seed the planet and begin again. I watch and hope that nature learns from its mistakes this time around and a new intelligent life takes precidence and this time has the sense to preserve straight away that which is only and always has been in finite supply.

Perhaps I should stear them, to all intence and purpose I could be a deity to whatever immerges from the sewerage that this lot leave behind. Who am I kidding, why would I want to shoulder an entire civilisations destiny and future? Soon this fight will be over, the vampires and werewolves will turn on each other, the humans and the undead, it will be a total furball of slaughter and mayhem with no winner, and nothing left to chronicle it or be chronicled by.

I decide its time to sleep again... this world has no interest in it for me, so I will sleep, and awaken again sometime yet to come and see if the world is ready for me, or at least worthy of a little hope and of my interest.

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